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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lutz Reaction

I haven't blogged in forever, so I figured I should catch up on what has happened this semester.

Although it happened quite a while ago now, the visit with Wichita Eagle columnist Bob Lutz is still fresh in my mind. He seems to do that, always stick in your head.

I'm not really ever in the actual Eagle building, so I haven't talked extensively with Bob in the past. But I have talked to him enough to know he is a pretty funny guy and isn't afraid to stir things up. I've learned this more from his son and fellow Eagle writer, Jeff Lutz, who I am pretty good friends with.

I'm not old enough to remember how Lutz wrote when he was on an actual beat. I've just read his columns and he definitely has a specific voice and a way with words. He's one of the more under-rated columnists in the Midwest, I think, but he's not someone you would expect to see on Around the Horn anytime soon.

Lutz is probably one of the most polarizing figures in Wichita. People love to hate him; others agree with his words. Every sports fan has an opinion on him and whenever I introduce myself as a writer for the Eagle, that is usually one of the first things people reference - something about Lutz.

He's a very talented writer and it was entertaining to sit down with him and get a discussion going. I don't think I will ever be a columnist, so I couldn't take away too much. But since I read his writing so much anyway, I have probably taken away quite a bit from that.

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