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Monday, February 22, 2010

Wichita Eagle Visit

Kirk Seminoff and Tom Seals did a good job of opening my eyes to the sports writing seen in the Wichita Eagle.

I do my fare share of watching sports, but I don’t think there is a sport that I care enough about it to get the paper just to read about it other than some shocker baseball or k-state football here and there. But after listening to Seminoff and Seals speak I might try to pick it up every once in awhile.

After listening to them speak about their jobs and what they put into the things they produce it made me wonder what kind of writers they really are. I will now be able to read through the sports sections and know the writer behind the story.

Also listening to them talk about how the world of newspapers is dwindling made me a little bit nervous about a future in journalism. Although I someday would rather write for a magazine than a newspaper it seems magazines are going in the same direction. When Tom Witherspoon came and spoke to our class he talked about VYPE making their transfer online just like the Wichita Eagle. Hopefully, for all of us writers, the print world finds a way to make a big comeback.

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