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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Witherspoon Reaction

I have talked to Tom Witherspoon plenty times before to pick up on is unique insight into the world of high school sports. I think he showed that intellect in discussing how his basically self-started magazine, Vype, has thrived in the niche market here in Wichita. I believe he understands what people want to read and knows how to market the magazine, and in my mind, publishes the most interesting articles about high school sports.

I have long agreed with Witherspoon that there is no equivalent of Vype in the Wichita market, which has allowed it to thrive. People often lump and The Wichita Eagle into the same category, but Vype is a monthly publication. Like Witherspoon noted in class, he doesn't run daily features. I found it intriguing how many factors he has to consider when planning for story. Not only does he have to find interesting stories, he has to find timely stories that have shelf life.

The thing that I took away most from him was that if you dedicate yourself to your task at hand, then you will give your best, possible performance. Anything less will lead to disappointment. It's a mindset that I believe I need to incorporate more in my work.

When it comes to high school sports, you won't find anyone better to talk to than Tom Witherspoon. I have always enjoyed writing the longer features that really gets in deep with a subject and tells the whole story. In daily newspapers, the space just isn't there to share more than a few points. That might explain my draw to the magazine, but I believe its success speaks for itself!

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