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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wichita Eagle visit

I've been working for the Eagle for the past four years now, so there wasn't much to be awed about going there and talking with the editors. Still, I found this trip to be very informative.

I think I have talked to my fair share of sports writers over the years and the one common thing I have heard them all say has been this: is what you are writing interesting? That is the one question you have to ask yourself when you write a story.

I pride myself in the different angles I take on boring game stories that could easily be written as a play-by-play just to get it over with it. That's what you have to do, though. I feel like the majority of my audience that will be reading my story the next day will be people that attended the game. I don't want to bore them with play by play drivel. They were there. They saw what happen. I want to tell a story they didn't know was happening.

As others have already pointed out, Kirk and Tom are very sarcastic and cynical. But that's what makes them great. It's a great environment to work in because everyone is laid-back and easy-going. Another thing I liked about what they said was about where you should try to start out. While everyone has dreams bigger than a small-town newspaper, sometimes that's where you HAVE to start out to make it.

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