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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bob Lutz

Everyone has an opinion on Bob Lutz. There doesn't seem to be any middle ground from the people I know that read his columns. It's either they hate him or they love him. However, none of the people I know have got to talk with him like our class did. I think a lot of them would change their opinions if they had.
Bob didn't say much about the journalism business. But I did enjoy his anecdotes and sarcastic sense of humor. That sense of humor doesn't really come across well in his columns and you start to get it when you listen to Sports Daily, but not until you meet with him face to face do you truly understand what he's like. After meeting with him in class, I feel like I have a better understanding when reading his columns. I get it now, I understand how he works that humor into his columns.
I really liked that he ended his visit with asking the class a question. It really made it feel like he wanted to be there and had a genuine interest in what we had to say. That also came across when he wanted to make sure each one of us asked him a question.
Overall, I was satisfied with the visit although it didn't focus on the business side of things that a lot of people that visit the journalism classes talk about. It was a nice change of pace and I'm glad Bob took time to see our class.

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