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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tim Tebow Meets Resistance?

As I was browsing this morning, I came across an interesting post about Tim Tebow. Their post was a reaction to the Pro Football Talk blog on the NBC Sports website. Now, to preface this, there only seems to be two views on Tim Tebow: love him or hate him. Considering that I don't know anyone around here that is a Florida fan, I would assume most readers of this would not like him. Now on to the story.
During the NFL combine while Tim Tebow's group was preparing to take the Wonderlic test, Tebow requested the group bow their heads in prayer. It is reported that another player told Tebow to "shut the [expletive] up." I will include a link to the whole NBC Sports story at the end of my post.
Now everyone that watches sports knows that prayer, God and religion are common subjects. We know this is especially big with Tim Tebow. I have no problem with prayer or religion in sports. It has its place. Lately however, it seems like this is why people don't like Tebow. Tebow doesn't just do his prayer and do his own thing with his faith. No, not Tim Tebow. Tim Tebow's religion is in your face. Instead of having a "live and let live" attitude about faith, it appears as if Tim Tebow wants to convert you. He wants you to know how strongly he believes. This is what causes him to come across as pretentious. While I'm sure he's not an all bad person if you meet him, it's stories like this that really widens the disdain for the guy. He just comes off as pushy. What are you thoughts on religion's role in sports? Are you a Tebow fan? Why or why not?

Here's the link:

Tebow's pre-Wonderlic prayer request falls flat

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