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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

WSU Baseball Spring Break Trip

We left on our west coast trip flying high and feeling really good about how we were playing... oh how things can change over the course of week. We got off to a good start on Friday night against Long Beach State with an 8-0 win, and then things went downhill from there. We blew a late-inning lead on Saturday and got beat soundly on Sunday.

We tried to clear our heads during the trip over to Arizona, but to our dismay, it did not help. Dispite having a good workout at Arizona's field on Monday, we got blistered both Tuesday and Wednesday. It was not the traditional Shocker Baseball that fans are used to seeing, to say the least.

On a more positive note, the facilities we played in on the west coast are second to none. The fields were in immaculate condition and I think I can safely say that the playing surface at the University of Arizona is one of the top 5 college playing surfaces in the country.

One thing that disappointed me about west coast college baseball is the lack of fan support. Neither Long Beach State nor Arizona draw well. They draw an average of about 1,000 people per game. This is especially disappointing because of the exceptional facilities they play in, not to mention the great weather on the west coast.

This is something I would like to see changed about college baseball on the west coast.

1 comment:

  1. Dude! I hear you on the, "Where did the bats go" front.

    But, don't we have a state-of-the-art playing facility right here in Wichita!

    And I have been to a lot of home games here. There are a lot of seats to be filled in Wichita.

    How do we get a full Eck!? Really!
