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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lawrence Taylor

When news came out early this morning about former NFL great Lawrence Taylor, I was disgusted. Taylor, if you didn't know, was accused of raping a 16-year-old girl in a hotel in New York. Taylor is now 51-years-old. That's 35 years of difference, ladies and gentlemen.

Innocent until proven guilty, of course, but the more details released as the day progressed, the more it sounded like he was going to spending some time with Prison Mike fearing dementors.

But the thing I was interested in was how many people make light of this terrible situation. Does that make it right, to make fun of someone in a case like this? It's a touchy subject when you first think about it, but I think many people won't feel as offended when the butt-end of the joke is an accused rapist.

So I got in on the action. I cracked jokes on Taylor's behalf all day, mostly ending with "Hi LT, I'm Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC. You wanna take a seat over there?"

Another one that made me laugh was a question Hansen might pose, "So LT, the girl said she was 16. Did you not see the flag on the play?"

Does everyone else find this funny, or is this in bad taste?

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