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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Philly fan tased

America is in an uproar about the 17-year old fan who was tasered after rushing onto the field during a Philadelphia Phillies game. I read a story on Yahoo! that said it was a little excessive. Are you kidding me? I don't think it was excessive at all, in fact, I don't think it was enough.

It is sickening to me why people always want to go running onto the field during a major sporting events just to get their YouTube moment. Well, this stupid kid is getting his YouTube moment. The whole world is seeing him get tasered in front of 44,000 people. Nice going kid, I hope you spend some time in jail.

I know it seems like I am going on a rant, but this needs to be the standard thing to do to these people who run onto the field during sporting events from now on. These people show an obvious disrespect for the game and the athletes by doing this. Way to go Philadelphia Police, I have absolutely no problem with this.

1 comment:

  1. This kid deserved everything he got. In this day of heightened security and tensed trigger fingers, what exactly did he think was going to happen? That they would toss him back into the stand like an orphaned beach ball? I say tase away and run those volts through his body. Maybe next time he'll realize that his best move would be to get a catscan. The police did exactly what they should have done. Who knew if he had a bomb or a knife or something else as explosive as Brad Lidge's ERA. Congrats Philly PD.
