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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Catch it Kansas

I would call it CATCH IT DOMINANCE, but Jenn Bates beat me to it.

What we do, is...cover everything high school sports.

We have the unique perspective of print ( and TV! I am paid (20 cents an hour) for web, TV, and if my story is good enough, live TV!

All for 20 cents per hour!

If you want to work in sports, you had better LOVE the competition!

I get to work with Bruce Haertl and that wacky Jenn Bates (that skirt and heels shit...only cause we get HAMMERED together, and she LOVES IT!)

But really, here is our competition

5A blog (Day 1)

My colleague (OK, boss) Joanna Chadwick just said, “Hey, Jeff, can you start a 5A blog?” I’m game for that, but today at the tournament has been sort of a cluster so far, so I’m still trying to sort everything out. I don’t have a lot of good inside information for everybody yet, but it appears that the Wichita-area teams are playing for second, at least for second at the end of day one.

I’m not going to pretend I know how to compute the multitude of scoring opportunities for each wrestler and team, but going into the semifinals, Emporia is leading 5A with 72 points. That’s 16 points ahead of second-place Andover Central and 19 ahead of Arkansas City, which is in third.

I think it could take some upsets for the two “AC” schools to catch up, because Emporia put seven wrestlers into the semifinals and the ACs have five apiece. Of course, if the ACs win their semifinal matches and Emporia loses some of its, the standings could look very different at the end of the night. We’ll just have to wait and see.

For now, though, I’m just trying to take some deep breaths and feel confidence in my ability to figure all of this out. Wish me luck.

YEAH! WISH ME LUCK! That is Gomer...Jeffery Lutz! At Catch It...we know what is going on and are not caught off guard!

Long live Jonathan Long and Jeffery Lutz!

When Jenn said we have no competition, its cause that post is our...competition?

If you think Catch It has competition...reply...please!

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