At any rate, it all seemed like a bit more fun than I've given it credit for being. I think I'm most interested in something we didn't see-- the media archives. I'm pretty fascinated in general by archives and artifact preservation (it's generally focused on film preservation for me in the past, but the interest extends beyond that), so I'd just like to see what they've got. Is it just a bunch of folders in file cabinets? What are they going to do in the future to prevent deterioration of the non-digital items? Inquiring minds and all that...
As for the Public Relations portion of the visit... Public Relations takes a special kind of person, and I'm not that person. Not that I don't respect what they do, because I definitely do, it just isn't really in my frame of reference. It's not something I could ever imagine doing, and it's not something I'm interested in.
I did like seeing the press conference room, because I'd never been there before. I'd like to see it when it's hopping.
I don't really feel like I have a whole lot more to say about the visit that wouldn't just be space filler. It was more interesting than I expected, but not my favorite of the visits we've had so far.
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