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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ya, I am pumped about it!!!

There has been much surprise and controversy regarding the Denver Broncos 1st round draft pick...but I LOVE IT! Florida's beloved quarterback, 2-time Heisman trophy winner, Tim Tebow is an official Denver Bronco. I LOVE IT!

Yes, they "blew" a very crucial draft pick, after acquiring Cleveland's Browns QB, Brady Quinn and already having Kyle Orton, but Tebow is going to do big things for Denver. I honestly think he will get moved from QB to another offensive position. Tebow is one of those rare, great players that can handle a transition. He has the speed, power and strength, and good head on his shoulders to make it in the NFL. He is a natural born leader and he can and will do good things in his NFL career.

For all the non-excited people about this move, yes, it will also raise more money in ticket sales. Tebow is a market and Denver made a wise move and choosing him.

Tim Tebow...Denver Bronco..I love it! :)

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