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Monday, April 26, 2010

You Had To Be There

Sports are great partly because they provide some of the greatest stories ever told. They can be tales of triumph or disappointment. Either way, they always provide excitement, drama and tons of emotion. Even more so when you can be there in person to experience it. For this post, I'd like to hear you guys stories about your favorite or most memorable sports moment or game you saw in person. I'll share mine and I'd like to hear yours!

My favorite story is from October 6, 2007. Being from a small town, I don't get to see a lot of sporting events on a major scale. Being a Kansas fan with a father and brother who are KSU fans means I rarely get to see my Jayhawks play. Not this year. This year, KU was playing in Manhattan. My family just happened to score 4 tickets. Plus, it was Harley day. Now, this Sunflower Showdown didn't particularly break any records. It didn't garner a lot of national attention and it didn't lead Sportscenter's highlights the next morning. However, the memories are numerous for me. Number one, I got to share a day in a friendly rivalry with my family since I was outnumbered. That would lead us to reason number two, the Jayhawks won 30-24. Number three, well I just plain like motorcycles so Harley day was a blast. It was a fun atmosphere being a road fan, even more so because my team got the victory. That would be my favorite sports moment I saw in person, what are yours?

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