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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Reaction to KWCH

This was my second time visiting the KWCH studio and I was able to see more than I did during my first visit. My first visit at KWCH was for a shadow day and I only saw the newsroom and the news set. I really enjoyed seeing virtually the whole studio this time. KWCH is at the top of the Wichita market and their studio is evidence of that. I have been to all three Wichita television studios and KWCH is far and away the most luxurious.

There are two things that really stand out for me about KWCH. It's no wonder that they are at the top of this market, they have a huge staff. They have far and away the biggest sports staff in Wichita, KAKE and KSN both only have two people in their respective sports departments. KWCH is able to do so much more with their staff, from to Sports Sunday and everything in between.

The other thing that stood out to me is how long-tenured some of their talent is. Viewers have a rapport with Roger Cornish, Cindy Klose, and Bruce Heartl because they have all been there for at least 15 years. KWCH has a strangle hold on the Wichita market and no one is going to come close to them anytime soon.

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