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Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Sports Anchors

I thought maybe the most interesting part of the anchor panel was the generational gap between Chris, and Bruce and Jim. There were some big differences in approaches to the job between Chris, and the old guard.

I know Bruce kind of felt bad that he had painted a doom and gloom picture of things. My response to him was no kidding. I should have been golfing all day, but instead I had to go listen to some jerk run his mouth.

But the picture he and Jim painted was of the job they were hired on to do in the '80s. The job is still there to be done, just not in the same way.

Keep in mind, Bruce can barely turn a computer on, let alone use one once he gets it started. And he really has no desire to learn. If you shared his tech savvy, you would have a pretty bleak outlook of the future as well.

This generational gap is visible even within KWCH. Jenn Bates and Bryan Holmgren both shoot and edit all their own video, write scripts, and anchor. Then, they turn around and write and post their own web stories.

I think this is the job Chris does, and is the job that anyone getting into this field can look forward to.

As for stations being corporately owned, I think the key is to keep the stories local, and show how much you enjoy what you do. Things can get watered down, but while the ownership may be around a board room table, multiple states away, you as a reporter, are still a part of the community.

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